Apple Pages User Manual

Page 41

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Chapter 2

Creating a Document Using the Pages Templates


To replace a word or phrase using the advanced search features:


Choose Edit > Find > Find Panel, and then click Advanced.


Type the text or phrase in the Find field.


If you only want to find the text where it appears in a particular paragraph style (for

example, Heading 1 style) choose the style from the Style pop-up menu. (For

information about styles, see Chapter 4, “Working With Styles.”)


Choose Entire Document from the In pop-up menu if you want to search the whole

document, including headers, footers, and text boxes; choose Main Text Body if you

only want to search the main body text area of the document.

Select to make the
search case-specific.
Select to find whole
words only.

Type the text you are
searching for.

Select to search the
document to the end
and then start from the

Replace text one
instance at a time,
or all at once.

Search backward or
forward through the

Choose the paragraph
style where the text

Choose the paragraph
style the new text should

Choose to search the
entire document or only
the main body text.