Apple Pages User Manual
Page 46

Chapter 2
Creating a Document Using the Pages Templates
As you work on your document, you can save it frequently by pressing Command-S.
You can also save a backup copy of the last saved version of your document. This way,
if you change your mind about edits that you have made, you can go back to the
previous version of the document that you have saved.
To save a backup copy of your document:
Choose Pages > Preferences, and select the checkbox labeled “Back up previous
version when saving.”
When you save the document, the previous version is saved in the same location as
the document with the words “Backup of” preceding the filename. Only one version—
the last saved version—is backed up.
To save a version of your document with a different name or in a different location:
Choose File > Save As.
Type a name for your document.
Select a location to save the document. If you cannot navigate to your desired
location, click the arrow button next to the Save As field, and then find the location
you want.
Click Save.
You can print all or part of your document. You can also see a preview of what your
document will look like before you print it. This is a good way of double-checking that
all the text and graphics fall within the printed area of the page.
To see a print preview:
Choose File > Print, and then click the Preview button in the Print dialog.
To print your document:
Choose File > Print.
Enter the number of copies you want, if you want multiple copies of the document; or
select From and enter a page range to print only part of the document.
Click Print.
If you print frequently, you can add the Print button to the Pages toolbar. To learn
about customizing the toolbar, see “The Toolbar” on page 22.
For more information about printing, see “Printing Your Document” on page 169.