Faqs: openview – Konica Minolta BIZHUB C30P User Manual
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Configuring MetaConsole
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FAQs: OpenView
With the HP OpenView client running, how do I know whether the MetaConsole snapin
is installed and running?
Open the Legend option in the Help menu. In the Legend list, select Icon Symbol Types. If
the snapin is installed, MetaConsole icon symbols are present.
The snapin runs automatically when the HP OpenView client runs. Icons for objects that the
snapin manages have a 3-D appearance. If you right-click these icons, MetaConsole menu
options are displayed. If you double-click the icons, the default web browser is launched.
How can I manage the symbols in the HP OpenView client using an alternative Meta-
Console server?
The configuration.txt file in the MetaConsole/HPOV directory indicates which server the HP
OpenView client uses to manage its symbols. You should modify this file when the MetaCon-
sole server address or port number changes. For details, see “Configuration Text Files for
OpenView” on page 46.
When does MetaConsole manage symbols in the device map?
MetaConsole manages symbols for the devices it discovers. The snapin periodically scans all
devices discovered by MetaConsole service providers and compares these with the HP Open-
View symbols to determine whether to manage the symbols.
Why isn’t MetaConsole managing a symbol in the HP OpenView map?
MetaConsole manages only those symbols that correspond to devices MetaConsole has dis-
Why does the MetaConsole J (browser client) tree display devices that are not in the HP
OpenView device maps?
HP OpenView and MetaConsole have separate discovery mechanisms and can discover dif-
ferent devices. Both can be configured to discover devices on remote networks and both allow
the manual addition of devices/symbols. You should configure MetaConsole service providers
to discover devices in the same networks as the HP OpenView client. For details, see Chapter
MetaConsole allows me to manually add devices that are not discovered automatically.
Why don’t these devices appear in the HP OpenView device maps?
The MetaConsole snapin does not add symbols to the HP OpenView client maps. If you want
to manage a device using HP OpenView and the OpenView client did not discover the device,
you must manually add it to the map. Be sure that the added symbol has the same IP address
as the device you added to MetaConsole.
If multiple service providers discover a device, how can I control which one manages
the corresponding symbols in the HP OpenView map?
MetaConsole uses an internal scheme to determine which service provider manages Open-
View symbols. To ensure that a certain provider manages a symbol, you can block other pro-
viders from discovering the device. For details, see Chapter 3.
When does a provider on a manually added server manage a symbol in the HP Open-
View device map?