Konica Minolta Darwin VDP Software User Manual
Page 96
A text box contains the following text:
[First name][Last name] text text text text text text text
text text text [Age]. In the Darwin data source, the field
values are as follows:
Darwin determines that the longest combination of fields
in the text box is "Alexander Trumpet, 42" (and not "John
Brown, 35").
If the longest text causes other text—variable or nonvariable—to
overflow the text box, enlarge the text box and check for hidden text in
other boxes in the document.
Formatting the display of rules and fields in a text box
The Frame Elements panel enables you to view all the rules and
variable fields that are assigned to a selected text box. When you click
a rule or field in the Layout box, the rule or field is highlighted on the
InDesign CS3 page.
1. On the InDesign CS3 page, select the text box with the rules or
fields that you want to view.
2. Select the rule or field that you want to edit.
3. Perform any of the following steps:
To edit the number of decimal places, from the Precision list,
select the maximum number of digits that you want to appear to
the right of the decimal point.
To add trailing zeros if there are fewer decimal places than the
number defined in the Precision box, select the Add trailing
zeros check box.
To add commas to separate thousands, select the Use thousand
separator check box.
To display InDesign tagged text with the correct attributes (such
as font and paragraph style), select the Is styled text check box.
Chapter 11—Placing variable elements on InDesign CS3 pages