Konica Minolta Darwin VDP Software User Manual

Page 104

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Warnings: Darwin generates warnings when some rule elements
are missing—for example, when a Then statement in a text rule
is blank.

You can decide to continue the production even if there are
warnings (as long as there are no errors). However, Darwin does
not print the records that caused the warning.

Errors: Darwin generates errors when the following problems
appear during production:

❐ No pages were defined, or a page was defined with no layout

or page rule assigned to it.

❐ Items are incomplete. This problem occurs, for example, when

image rules have no images linked to them or when Darwin
cannot create a barcode or a chart because of missing

4. Solve the problem(s) causing the errors.
5. Click Production.
6. Click Save.

The InDesign CS3 Print dialog box appears.

7. Click Save.
8. In the Save PostScript File window, locate your Darwin job folder,

and click Open.

9. Click Save.

Darwin creates your VDP output according to the required settings.


Chapter 13—VDP output