Konica Minolta Darwin VDP Software User Manual
Page 31
9. In the list that appears next to the If box, select the condition for the
rule. In this example, select equals.
10. In the box that appears, type a definition for the rule. In this
example, type
Note: The Darwin software is case-sensitive, so make sure that the
text that you type (
) is identical to the value that appears for
this field in the data source.
11. In the Then list, select use text as your result.
12. In the box that appears, type
13. Click the Or else box.
An arrow icon appears on the right side of the box and indicates
that a list of options can be displayed.
14. Click the arrow icon and in the list that appears, select use text.
15. In the box that appears, type
16. Under Tools, click Accept
The Title rule is saved under Rules.
17. From the File menu, select Save.
The new rule automatically appears on the Variable Elements panel in
Darwin CoPilot. The name of the new rule consists of the rule name and
the rule type. In this example, your rule appears on the Variable
Elements panel, under Rules, as Title _Text rule.
Adding a text rule