6 automatic taos, 7 driver failure monitor, 8 driver short circuit protection – Cirrus Logic CS61884 User Manual

Page 26: Receiver, 1 bipolar output mode, 2 unipolar output mode, 1 bipolar output mode 10.2 unipolar output mode

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In host mode, TAOS is generated for a particular
channel by asserting the associated bit in the


Enable Register (03h)

(See Section 14.4 on

page 35).

Since MCLK is the reference clock, it should be of
adequate stability.

9.6 Automatic TAOS

While a given channel is in the LOS condition, if
the corresponding bit in the

Automatic TAOS

Register (0Eh)

(See Section 14.15 on page 37) is

set, the device will drive that channel’s TTIP and
TRING with the all ones pattern. This function is
only available in host mode. Refer to


nal (LOS)

(See Section 10.5 on page 27).

9.7 Driver Failure Monitor

In host mode, the Driver Failure Monitor (DFM)
function monitors the output of each channel and
sets a bit in the

DFM Status Register (05h)


Section 14.6 on page 35) if a secondary short cir-
cuit is detected between TTIP and TRING. This
generates an interrupt if the respective bit in the

DFM Interrupt Enable Register (07h)

(See Sec-

tion 14.8 on page 36) is also set. Any change in the

DFM Status Register (05h)

(See Section 14.6 on

page 35) will result in the corresponding bit in the

DFM Interrupt Status Register (09h)

(See Sec-

tion 14.10 on page 36) being set. The interrupt is
cleared by reading the

DFM Interrupt Status

Register (09h)

(See Section 14.10 on page 36).

This feature works in all modes of operation E1 75
Ω, E1 120 Ω and T1/J1 100 Ω.

9.8 Driver Short Circuit Protection

The CS61884 provides driver short circuit protec-
tion when current on the secondary exceeds 50 mA
RMS during E1/T1/J1 operation modes.


The CS61884 contains eight identical receivers that
utilize an internal matched impedance technique
that provides for the use of a common set of exter-

nal components for 100

Ω (T1/J1), 120 Ω (E1), and


Ω (Ε1) operation (Refer to

Figure 17 on

page 51

). This feature enables the use of a one

stuffing option for all E1/T1/J1 line impedances.
The appropriate E1/T1/J1 line matching is selected
via the LEN[2:0] and the CBLSEL pins in hard-
ware mode, or via the

Line Length Channel ID

Register (10h)

(See Section 14.17 on page 38) and

bits[3:0] of the

Line Length Data Register (11h)

(See Section 14.18 on page 39) in host mode. The
receivers can also be configured to use different ex-
ternal resistors to match the line impedance for E1

Ω, E1 120Ω or T1/J1 100Ω modes (Refer to

Figure 18 on page 52


The CS61884 receiver provides all of the circuitry
to recover both data and clock from the data signal
input on RTIP and RRING. The matched imped-
ance receiver is capable of recovering signals with
12 dB of attenuation (referenced to 2.37 V or 3.0V
nominal) while providing superior return loss. In
addition, the timing recovery circuit along with the
jitter attenuator provide jitter tolerance that far ex-
ceeds jitter specifications (Refer to

Figure 20 on

page 58


The recovered data and clock is output from the
CS61884 on RPOS/RNEG and RCLK. These pins
output the data in one of three formats: bipolar, un-
ipolar, or RZ. The CLKE pin is used to configure
RPOS/RNEG, so that data is valid on either the ris-
ing or falling edge of RCLK.

10.1 Bipolar Output Mode

Bipolar mode provides a transparent clock/data re-
covery for applications in which the line decoding
is performed by an external framing device. The re-
covered clock and data are output on RCLK,

10.2 Unipolar Output Mode

In unipolar mode, the CS61884 decodes the recov-
ered data with either B8ZS, HDB3 or AMI line de-
coding. The decoded data is output on the