Amd confidential user manual september 12 – AMD SimNow Simulator 4.4.4 User Manual

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AMD Confidential

User Manual

September 12


, 2008


Appendix A






CMOVLE reg64,reg/mem64

0F 4E /r

Move if less or equal (ZF = 1 or SF

<> OF).

CMOVNG reg16,reg/mem16

0F 4E /r

Move if less not greater (ZF = 1 or

SF <> OF).

CMOVNG reg32,reg/mem32

0F 4E /r

Move if less not greater (ZF = 1 or

SF <> OF).

CMOVNG reg64,reg/mem64

0F 4E /r

Move if less not greater (ZF = 1 or

SF <> OF).

CMOVNLE reg16,reg/mem16

0F 4F /r

Move if not less or equal (ZF = 0 or

SF = OF).

CMOVNLE reg32,reg/mem32

0F 4F /r

Move if not less or equal (ZF = 0 or

SF = OF).

CMOVNLE reg64,reg/mem64

0F 4F /r

Move if not less or equal (ZF = 0 or

SF = OF).

CMOVG reg16,reg/mem16

0F 4F /r

Move if greater (ZF = 0 or SF = OF).

CMOVG reg32,reg/mem32

0F 4F /r

Move if greater (ZF = 0 or SF = OF).

CMOVG reg64,reg/mem64

0F 4F /r

Move if greater (ZF = 0 or SF = OF).

CMP AL,imm8

3C ib

Compare an 8-bit immediate value with

the contents of the AL register.

CMP AX,imm16

3D iw

Compare a 16-bit immediate value with

the contents of the AX register.

CMP EAX,imm32

3D id

Compare a 32-bit immediate value with

the contents of the EAX register.

CMP RAX,imm32

3D id

Compare a 32-bit immediate value with

the contents of the RAX register.

CMP reg/mem8,imm8

80 /7 ib

Compare an 8-bit value with the

contents of an 8-bit register or

memory operand.

CMP reg/mem16,imm16

81 /7 iw

Compare a 16-bit value with the

contents of a 16-bit register or

memory operand.

CMP reg/mem32,imm32

81 /7 id

Compare a 32-bit value with the

contents of a 32-bit register or

memory operand.

CMP reg/mem64,imm32

81 /7 id

Compare a 32-bit signed immediate

value with the contents of a 64-bit

register or memory operand.

CMP reg/mem16,imm8

83 /7 ib

Compare an 8-bit signed immediate

value with the contents of a 16-bit

register or memory operand.

CMP reg/mem32,imm8

83 /7 id

Compare an 8-bit signed immediate

value with the contents of a 32-bit

register or memory operand.

CMP reg/mem64,imm8

83 /7 id

Compare an 8-bit signed immediate

value with the contents of a 64-bit

register or memory operand.

CMP reg/mem8,reg8

38 /r

Compare the contents of an 8-bit

register or memory operand with the

contents of an 8-bit register.

CMP reg/mem16,reg16

39 /r

Compare the contents of a 16-bit

register or memory operand with the

contents of a 16-bit register.

CMP reg/mem32,reg32

39 /r

Compare the contents of a 32-bit

register or memory operand with the

contents of a 32-bit register.

CMP reg/mem64,reg64

39 /r

Compare the contents of a 64-bit

register or memory operand with the

contents of a 64-bit register.

CMP reg8,reg/mem8

3A /r

Compare the contents of an 8-bit

register with the contents of an 8-

bit register or memory operand.

CMP reg16,reg/mem16

3B /r

Compare the contents of a 16-bit

register with the contents of a 16-

bit register or memory operand.

CMP reg32,reg/mem32

3B /r

Compare the contents of a 32-bit

register with the contents of a 32-

bit register or memory operand.

CMP reg64,reg/mem64

3B /r

Compare the contents of a 64-bit

register with the contents of a 64-

bit register or memory operand.

CMPS mem8,mem8


Compare the byte at DS:rSI with the

byte at ES:rDI and then increment or

decrement rSI and rDI.