Shell automation commands for device groups, Device tree, 4 shell automation commands for device groups – AMD SimNow Simulator 4.4.4 User Manual

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AMD Confidential

User Manual

September 12


, 2008


Chapter 15: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click on "Modify Group (Show Devices)". This will open a separate show device viewer

Figure 3-10: Device Group

If any modifications are done to the device group, then they will be saved with the BSD.
Note that it is possible to modify a device group to a point where its children look
nothing like the original device.


Shell Automation Commands for Device Groups

The shell automation commands that are used for a device also work for a device group.
For example, shell.KnownDevices lists all known devices (both device libraries and
device groups). For example, a device group exposes ports and connections, so


” and “


” etc. work with a device (regardless of

whether it's a group or a library).

Device Tree

You can optionally reference a device in the parent and child grouping device tree, using
the syntax separator "


" between device parent and child, and "

-> Machine #1

" as

the root device. Here are some examples, using a machine and platform that just has two

4 core Node

" devices...

1 simnow> shell.createddevices

"4 core Node #0"

"4 core Node #1"

1 simnow> shell.CreatedDevices "-> Machine #1"

"4 core Node #0"

"4 core Node #1"

1 simnow> shell.createddevices "-> Machine #1 -> 4 core Node #0"

"AweSim Processor #0"


"AweSim Processor #1"


"AweSim Processor #2"


"AweSim Processor #3"


"AMD 8th Generation Integrated Northbridge #4"

1 simnow> shell.createddevices "-> Machine #1 -> 4 core Node #1"
Cpu:4 "AweSim Processor #0"
Cpu:5 "AweSim Processor #1"
Cpu:6 "AweSim Processor #2"
Cpu:7 "AweSim Processor #3"
sledgenb:1 "AMD 8th Generation Integrated Northbridge #4"