Updates and questions, 6 updates and questions – AMD SimNow Simulator 4.4.4 User Manual

Page 18

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AMD Confidential

User Manual

September 12


, 2008


Chapter 2: Installation

Commands”, on page 230) that will be executes when the user clicks on the defined user

Note that minimal parsing of the text is done, so it is important that no spaces exist
around the separating comma.

2.6 Updates and Questions

Please refer to the Release Notes located at "SimNow\docs" to obtain the latest
information about the simulator. If you have any question regarding the simulator please
refer to Section 15, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)”, on page 169 or contact your
AMD account representative.

Appendixes are provided that describe:

Format of Floppy and Hard-Drive Images, page 183

Bill of Material, page 184

Supported Guest Operating Systems, page 186

CPUID, page 188

Known Issues, page 190

Instruction Reference, page 192

Automation Commands, page 230