Bell & Gossett 10-001-275 XLS Integrated Pump Controller User Manual

Page 8

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Figure 5: Supervisor Service Screen

In order to enable all of these parameters you will need
to log in as Technician.

Tap [Log on/off] from the Service Screen to change
User type.

Figure 6 : Log in Screen

To log in as a Technician, tap [Technician], and
then tap on the empty Password field to enter the
Technician password. This will bring up an enhanced
screen shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 : Log In Keypad

Enter your password and Tap

to log in, or

to exit without logging in.

Once back to the Log In screen tap [OK] to log in or
[Cancel] to abort. If Log in was successful the Service
Screen should appear as in Figure 8.

Figure 8 : Technician Service Screen

Now that you are logged in as a Technician you can
view or alter any of the station parameters. Note that
the station has been pre-configured from the factory
so that changes required for station operation should
be minimal. Please see the Quick Set-up portion of
this guide for standard start-up procedure.

Tap [BOOSTER] to return to the Home Screen