Bell & Gossett 10-001-275 XLS Integrated Pump Controller User Manual

Page 36

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Phase monitor

A device that analyzes incoming voltage and determines whether all voltage

parameters are acceptable and the phase sequence is correct.


Programmable Logic Controller. A very robust/rugged computer designed for

equipment control in harsh environments.

PM pump

Pressure Maintenance Pump. Handles very light flow rates and leaks to

prevent the main pumps from cycling.

Pressure reducing valve

(PRV) A control valve designed strictly for maintaining a specific downstream


Pressure transducer

A device that converts actual pressure to a 4-20 mA signal that is input into

the PLC which converts it back to an actual pressure reading.


Pounds per square inch. Units of pressure for US use.


This is a normally open or normally closed device that changes output state

when it is energized or de-energized and sends or removes a 120VAC signal
to the PLC.


Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.


The desired situation for a control variable. If the user wanted the irrigation

system to operate at 120 PSI, that would be the setpoint for the controller.

Speed test

The method used to shut down a VSP during normal automatic operation.

Transfer pump

A pump designed to move water from one reservoir to another.


Gives context to numbers in the PLC. Units describe what the number is

about, such as PSI, GPM.


Variable frequency drive. This allows a pump to run at variable speeds.