Bell & Gossett 10-001-275 XLS Integrated Pump Controller User Manual
Page 18

Figure 42: Email Settings
Occasionally, the settings changes here
may require restarting the HMI. Try this if
you experience problems getting the test
email to work. This can be accomplished
through cycling power or by shutting
down and restarting the application. Then
see appendix “F” for other
troubleshooting aids.
4. [Set/Sync HMI-PLC Date/Time]
Tap [Set/Sync HMI-PLC Date/Time] from the
Figure 4 3 : Set/Sync Screen
This screen allows the date and time to be set,
and synchronized for the PLC and HMI. To
manuall y s et the date check “Change
Date/Ti me”. Note the Date and Ti me boxes
wil l changed to edi tabl e fi el ds. To allow for
Dayli ght Savings Ti me pl eas e check the
appropri ate box .
Tap [Set Date] to synchronize HMI & PLC date
and time. You will get a pop up message shown
below, hit [OK].
Figure 4 4 : Sync Pop-up Detail
To adjust the totalizers tap [Totalizers]. In the new
pop up you will be able to adjust the time/date
when the system will totalize.
Figure 4 5 : Clear/Update Totalizers
Use the available cells to enter the date and time.
Tap [Set Date/Time] to save changes. Tap [Clear
Totalizers] to clear all totalizers.
Note that when the HMI time is set, the HMI will
automatically sync the PLC time once/day.
Synchronization should not be done while using
the Internet-based remote client as this has the
potential to negatively affect the time settings of
the system. Syncing should only be performed