Bell & Gossett 10-001-275 XLS Integrated Pump Controller User Manual

Page 19

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5. [Security Setup]

Tap [Security Setup] from the SERVICE Menu.

Figure 4 6 : Security Setup Home Screen

The Supervisor can change the password
assigned to him/her, and set the number of days
after which the password expires (in the editable
field). To change the password, tap [Change
Password] to change the supervisor password.
Enter the new password in the ‘Password’ and
‘Confirm Password’ field. Tap [Apply] to save

From this screen you will also be able to assign
Users to the station by tapping [Setting User].

Figure 4 7 : User Setup

Enter the desired User Name and password and
tap [Apply]. The User will now be available in the
User dropdown.

6. [Tuning]

Tap [Tuning] from the SERVICE Menu. The
Tuning screen will allow you to set the PID and
speed control settings for station operation.

Figure 4 8 : Tuning Home Screen

Pumps using this PID Set:

The decision on which PID set to use is based
on the “best” fit of pumps running on VFD and
the pumps selected here.

Figure 4 9 : Tuning PID Drop Down


Click “Read” to read the PID values from the
PID group set selected (this is automatically
clicked for you when you enter the screen).


Click “Write” to save the values to the PID group.

Copying PID data:

The Read/Write buttons are provided to allow the