Avaya 1.3 User Manual
Page 220

Migrating your Security Database
220 Installation Guide
The SDB backup file can be found in the "SYS:\SYSTEM\TSRV\SDB\BULK_ADD"
directory on your NetWare telephony server. You must put the file in the "\Program
Files\Telephony Services\tsrv\sdb\bulk_add" directory on your Windows NT, Windows
2000 or Windows XP telephony server.
Some changes need to be made to the data in your conversion file. MIGRATE.EXE makes
most of these changes for you.
Removes existing Tlink objects. New ones are added for you automatically when
you start up Telephony Services on your Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows
XP telephony server.
Removes the tserv object. Telephony Services for Windows NT, Windows 2000 or
Windows XP stores this information in the Registry, not the SDB.
Removes the NDS context (if present) from primary keys in each object record.
5. Run MIGRATE.EXE on your SDB backup file from the \Program
Files\Avaya\CT\tsrv\program directory on your Windows NT, Windows 2000 or
Windows XP machine.
The Migrate NetWare SDB to Windows NT dialog box appears. See Figure C-1.
Figure C-1: Migrate NetWare SDB to Windows NT Dialog Box
a. Enter the name of your conversion file and the name of the output file that is to be
b. Click on "Begin conversion" to convert the data.
6. If the file already exists in the bulk_add directory, you are asked if you want to
overwrite the contents of the file. You cannot use the same name for both the backup
and conversion file.
7. Once you have completed the conversion step, you may choose to make some bulk
changes to your SDB data before you install it in your Windows NT, Windows 2000 or
Windows XP Telephony Services SDB.
a. Update Tlink Group and Admin Access Group Data.