Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual
Page 266
Chapter 17: Port-based and Tagged VLAN Commands
Section IV: Virtual LANs
The following command uses Syntax 1 to create a port-based VLAN called
Sales with a VID of 3. The VLAN consists of ports 1.4 to 1.8 and ports 2.12
to 2.16. All ports will be untagged ports in the VLAN:
create vlan=Sales vid=3 ports=1.4-1.8,2.12-2.16
The following command uses Syntax 2 to create the same VLAN:
create vlan=Sales vid=3 untaggedports=1.4-1.8,2.12-2.16
In the following command, Syntax 1 is used to create a tagged VLAN
called Production with a VID of 22. The VLAN consists of two tagged
ports, ports 2.3 and 2.6:
create vlan=Production vid=22 ports=2.3,2.6 frame=tagged
The following command uses Syntax 2 to create the same VLAN:
create vlan=Sales vid=22 taggedports=2.3,2.6
You cannot use Syntax 1 to create a VLAN containing both untagged and
tagged ports. For instance, suppose you wanted to create a VLAN called
Service with a VID of 16 and untagged ports 4.1, 4.4, 5.5-5.7 and tagged
ports 4.11 and 4.12. Creating this VLAN using Syntax 1 would actually
require two commands. You would first need to create the VLAN,
specifying either the untagged or tagged ports. As an example, the
following command creates the VLAN and specifies the untagged ports:
create vlan=Service vid=16 ports=4.1,4.4,5.5-5.7
Then, to add the other ports (in this case tagged ports), you would need to
use the ADD VLAN command.
Syntax 2 can create a VLAN of both tagged and untagged ports all in one
command. Here is the command that would create our example:
create vlan=Service vid=16 untaggedports=4.1,4.4,5.5-5.7
The advantage of Syntax 2 over Syntax 1 is that you can create VLANs
containing both types of ports with one rather than two commands.