Triton Isis User Manual
Page 78

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
Table E-2. Find dialog box parameters and meanings
Option / Area
Source Path
(text area)
Specify the directory in which Target will look for matching
contacts. The default path is the working directory (‘Set
Working Directory ’
Relative to
Specify the contact currently having the active focus (the
Highlighted contact) in Target; or, if the Specified location
radio button is enabled, specify a location based on latitude
and longitude that you supply in the latitude and longitude text
Maximum Radius
(text area)
Target will search for contacts within a specified radius of the
contact currently having the active focus. A radius of 0.0 will
prompt Target to consider contacts at any distance from the
current contact.
(check boxes)
Ask Target to search for contacts, targets or both.
(check boxes)
Specify which classes of contacts (or targets) that Target will
consider in the search.
All On or
All Off
When clicked, these buttons turn on or off all the classes listed
in the Class panel.
Find First
Have Target to load the first contact, matching the specified
criteria, that it finds. Once the first contact is loaded, close the
Find dialog box and load additional contacts matching the
criteria with the Find Next command.
Find All
Have Target to load all contacts matching the specified
Close the Find dialog box.
Appendix E: Using the Target Utility