Triton Isis User Manual
Page 59

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
D.3.4 Template
That Do Not Evaluate to
a Number
Certain letter designators do not correspond to a value transmitted over the
serial interface (and therefore do not evaluate to a number). Instead, these
special letter designators act as signals to Isis that certain instructions are to
occur before parsing the navigation. These designators, shown in Table D-
1, should be placed at the front of the template.
Table D-1. Template letter designators that do not return a number
Forces Isis to synchronize to transmitted time
Forces Isis to synchronize to transmitted date.
Tells Isis to interpret northings and eastings as feet.
Flag which triggers an event closure (sent by MOSNAV) in Isis —
used for verification only.
Placeholder only; tells Isis to ignore the next value.
Benthos SIS-7000 uplink flag: convert depth (m), conductivity, and
pressure from frequency to real values.
DTDAS flag is set TRUE.
Tells Isis to reverse the sign of the next value. Use this in front of
longitudes which are transmitted as positive values in the western
This is not the same as the subtraction operator
for described in ‘Performing Math on Template Tokens’.
The character that follows '!' is compared to the first character
in the receive string. If they don't match, the string is rejected.
Example: !$ in the template will cause Isis to reject any serial
update that doesn't begin with a dollar-sign ($) character.
Informs Isis that northing and easting are actually latitude and
longitude (otherwise, UTM). As a result, Isis will interpret this to be
a NMEA string.
Appendix D: Serial Interfaces