Triton Isis User Manual

Page 18

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2


4-Byte IEEE Floating Point Number



2-1 2-2 fraction 2-23


30 23

22 0

value = (-1)s x 1.fraction x 2exponent - 127

8-Byte IEEE Floating Point Number



2-1 2-2 fraction 2-52


62 52

51 0

value = (-1)s x 1.fraction x 2exponent - 1023

Table A-5 on page 9 and Table A-6 on page 16 specify the formats for the
Q-MIPS header and footer structures respectively. Character fields that contain
more than one byte are arrays of characters interpreted as strings of text such as
the name of the sonar or the software revision. In the Q-MIPS data format, only
characters are arranged in arrays. The different sizes (in bytes) of the integer and
float fields indicates their different precisions as described above. In order to
save space and save you some reading time, two footnote symbols have been
used to represent information common to many of the fields. The symbols are
defined below and appear at the bottom of each of the tables.

Single dagger: This field is for

storage only

and is not used in any

Q-MIPS or Isis calculations.


Asterisk: This field is set to the

value received over the serial

navigation interface

(specified in navigation template) or among telemetry

from various digital towfish. If a value is not received, the field remains zero.

Appendix A: Q-MIPS File Format