Triton Isis User Manual
Page 37

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
EXABYTE.EXE only recognizes standard DOS file structures. The utility
cannot be used to work with SEG-Y format tapes written by Isis. Refer to
‘Using the
SEG-Y Format on Exabyte Tape’
on page 32 for a discussion on how Isis interprets
the SEG-Y format.
You can also use EXABYTE.EXE to archive disk files to tape.
Tape motion is controlled in Isis via the Playback and Record mode Tape Control dialog
boxes. Refer to Figure 3-7 on page 39 in the Isis User’s Manual, Volume 1, for a
discussion of the Tape Control dialog boxes.
To start the Exabyte program
• Type EXABYTE Y: [Enter], or type EXABYTE Z: [Enter]
The following options are available through EXABYTE.EXE:
3. Directory: This option displays the contents of a tape. It will also display the
names of files copied to it with the Exabyte program.
In Isis, the Directory option only recognizes the file format that the Exabyte
program writes to the tape during record mode or the Exabyte program’s Copy
file option.
4. Copy File: You use Copy file to copy files to or from an Exabyte drive. Choose
either Copy To and Copy From.
• Option #1: Copy To: With this option, you can copy a single file or multiple files.
The file will be copied to the tape at the current tape position. Any files that reside on
the tape after the current position will probably be lost.For example, to copy all DAT
Q-MIPS files in the D:\QMIPS directory to an Exabyte tape, use the Copy to option
and specify D:\QMIPS\*.DAT as the source name to copy.
Appendix C: Mass Storage Options