Triton Isis User Manual
Page 67

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
This feature returns a string representing a sub-
sampled sidescan record. This can be used to
inspect the performance of the sonar when operated
on a remote system (for example, an AUV). The
variables c, n, m, and s mean:
c = channel bit flags. Bit 0=channel 1, bit 1 =
channel 2, etc.
n = number of samples to return. These will be
evenly spaced across the record.
m = mode. A mode can have a value of 0, 1, or 2:
0=return percentage of max possible signal
1=return percentage of max observed signal on
2=return raw digital values
s = skip number of center-track samples to skip over
when computing the max value used to determine
percentage of max observed signal.
Example: REQUEST_AMP3,5,2,0... ...returns back
over the same serial port a string like:
The Min and Max values are the extremes of the
digital levels found on the given channels. Sending
REQUEST_AMP3,0,0,0 will cause only the Min/Max
info to be sent.
REQUEST_FREESPACE Causes Isis to transmit data back over the same
serial port. Data includes total disk space and
remaining disk space on the storage volume
currently in use.
Causes Isis to transmit the template string currently
assigned to the given com port back over that com
port. This can be used by an external computer to
configure data packets for transmission to Isis.
Causes Isis to log the all data received over a serial
port to the XTF file before parsing; Record Mode
only. The transmitted strings are time stamped and
placed in XTF_HEADER_RAW_SERIAL packets.
Appendix D: Serial Interfaces