Triton Isis User Manual
Page 55

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
followed by a file name to be used for the file name switch.
Serial template to parse fish longitude stored with separate
degrees and minutes. Example: S 44 38.231 W 121 17.455. The
template to parse this is {lam}N{lom}E, where E is the token for
the fish position.
Power-bottle leak detector
Ship speed in m/s. Converted to knots by multiplying by
Conductivity in MMHO/cm. Converted to Siemens/meter by
dividing by 10.0.
Isis finds any pattern of characters in input_string. Processing
of the string proceeds from that point forward. Pattern matching
is case-sensitive. If a match is not found, processing stops. Any
processing that happened before the {pattern=input_string}
token was encountered, still occurs. To specify a '}' character as
part of a pattern string, put a '\' character in front of it. For
example, {pattern=\}} will cause Isis to look for a closed-brace
character. To specify a '\' character as part of a pattern string,
use two backslashes (\\). See ‘Examples of Pattern Matching’.
Pressure Frequency (CTD data)
is pressure in psia. Fish depth is then computed from
pressure according to a standard UNESCO formula as
φ) = 9.72659x10sP – 2.512x10-1P2 + 2.279x10-4P3 –
φ) + 1.092x10-4P]
Where g(
φ), the international formula for gravity, is given by:
φ) = 9.780318 (1 + 5.2788 x 10
φ + 2.36 x 10
Z = depth in meters
P = pressure in MPa
φ = latitude
The above equation is true for oceanographers’ standard ocean,
defined as an ideal medium with a temperature of 0 C and
salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Other methods for calculating
Appendix D: Serial Interfaces