Appendix f working with signal interfaces, F.1 signal interface unit 5 (siu5) – Triton Isis User Manual
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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
Appendix F Working with Signal Interfaces
Isis works with more than one type of signal interface unit (SIU). This interface, simply called
an SIU interface in this section, is an external module to Q-MIPS and Isis. As such, the SIU
acts as a conduit between the detected analog side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, boomer,
or tape-playback signal, and the Q-MIPS or Isis analog input. The latest type of signal
interface unit is the SIU5. It was preceded by is the SIU4-2 and SIU4 models. Other prominent
interfaces addressed in this section are the interfaces for the Simrad 992, the Klein 595, and
the Klein System 2000 digital sonars.
F.1 Signal Interface Unit 5 (SIU5)
The SIU5 and its cables are depicted in Figure F-1.
Figure F-1. SIU5 interface box and cables
Appendix F: Working with Signal Interfaces