C.4.3 high-level formatting considerations – Triton Isis User Manual
Page 41

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
Appendix C: Mass Storage Options
Triton Elics recommends you use HP media cartridges because they are very
reliable and have a 30-year warranty.
Media cartridges with 512-byte sectors written by other compatible magneto-optical
drives (for example, Sony and other ISO-standard drives) can also be read by the HP
multi-function drives.
C.4.3 High-Level Formatting Considerations
In general, you need one hard disk partition per side of the M-O. You accomplish this
using AFDISK. In addition to knowing the low-level format of an M-O cartridge, such as
the number of bytes (typical 512 or 1024) per sector, you need to take into account the
M-O cartridge’s high-level format that will be used with Isis. An M-O cartridge that will be
used with Isis must be high-level formatted with one
hard disk partition.
To high-level format an M-O cartridge, refer to C.4.3.2 (‘Formatting the M-O after Backing
up Your M-O’s Data’) on page 32.
If you believe your data disk already has been high-level formatted with what AFDISK
calls Standard Hard Disk Format (
, the DOS high-level format), then exit Windows and
re-start Windows 95 with the WIN/D:F command. You should now be able to read the
1024 Byte/sector M-O disk, albeit slowly.
C.4.3.1 Backing Up Your M-O Data Before Reformatting
Because formatting destroys any data existing on the cartridge, you will want to back up
your M-O data before formatting.
To back up your data from the M-O
1. With the M-O cartridge in Drive E:, exit Windows 95. (When the message comes
up that allows you to go to DOS, close Windows completely and go to DOS — not
just the DOS shell).
2. In DOS, use COPY or XCOPY to copy your files from your M-O to your D: drive.