Pf3000 pro, Ag leader technology – Ag Leader PF3000Pro Harvest & Application Operators Manual User Manual
Page 163

PF3000 Pro
On Screen Map
Ag Leader Technology
All Modes
July 2003
The abbreviations for each mode and an example of file names are
shown below:
Grain Harvest – Harv
Grass Harvest – Gras
HarvestMaster – Hmas
Cotton Harvest – Cotn
Application Rate – AppR
Site Verification – Site
When switching memory cards, if you want to view the coverage
maps of already covered fields, you must copy the PFC files to the
new card. If you do a second field operation using the same operating
mode in the same year, you must erase the original coverage file for
that field if it is on the card.
Making and
Showing the Map
Press the SHOW MAP key to view the map and HIDE MAP key to
hide the map. If there is no pre-existing PFC file for the field for the
operating mode, a new coverage map will draw in if the Coverage
Map setting is turned on and there is a GPS signal and the monitor is
logging data to the card. If there is an existing PFC file on the
memory card for that field, that coverage map will appear. Press
SETUP key and MAP key to view or change the Map Settings.
NOTE: When Target Map is on and a prescription file is set,
all areas with prescription rates greater than zero are shown
as black. All clear areas on the map have a rate of zero. The
black areas will erase as the field is covered. This map shows
all parts of the field that require application.