HP LaserJet M1319f Multifunction Printer User Manual
Page 206
scanning to e-mail 31
scanning to file 31
support 171
supported operating
USB card,
troubleshooting 165
Macintosh driver settings
custom-size paper 28
watermarks 29
manual dialing 101
manual redial 101
material restrictions 180
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) 182
ADF, sizes supported 116
copy settings 62
curled, troubleshooting 151
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 28
default size for tray 41
document size, selecting 51
fax autoreduction settings 94
first page 28, 50
jams 141
orientation, setting 52
pages per sheet 29
pages per sheet, Windows 55
printing on special media 49
select size and type 44
size, changing 63
size, selecting 51
source, selecting 51
supported sizes 37
troubleshooting 152
type, changing 63
type, selecting 51
wrinkled 151
deleting faxes 98
reprinting faxes 107
specifications 3
control panel, access 11
Copy setup 12
Fax functions 11
Fax Job status 11
Fax setup 13
Reports 12
menu map
printing 122
mercury-free product 180
Microsoft Word, faxing from 105
comparison 1
number, locating 5
modems, connecting 78
multiple pages per sheet 29, 55
n-up printing
Windows 55
New Zealand telecom
statements 184
noise specifications 175
number of copies, changing 59
OCR software 70
on/off switch, locating 4
online support 171
operating environment,
specifications 175
operating systems supported 6,
optical character recognition
software 70
ordering supplies and
accessories 168
orientation, setting 52
output bin
output quality
copy, troubleshooting 156
print, troubleshooting 148,
scans, troubleshooting 159,
outside lines
dial prefixes 87
pauses, inserting 82
packaging device 171
page-by-page scanning
(Macintosh) 31
blank 154
excessive curl 153
misfeeding 153
not printing 155
skewed 151, 153
pages per minute 3
pages per sheet
Windows 55
ADF, sizes supported 116
copy settings 62
curled, troubleshooting 151
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 28
document size, selecting 51
fax autoreduction settings 94
first page 28, 50
jams 141
pages per sheet 29
size, changing 63
size, selecting 51
source, selecting 51
supported sizes 37
supported types 44
troubleshooting 152
type, changing 63
type, selecting 51
wrinkled 151
paper input trays
feeding problems,
troubleshooting 153
part numbers
pauses, inserting 82
phone book, fax
adding entries 102
deleting all entries 82
HP Toolbox 125
importing 81
phone numbers
HP fraud hotline 130
phones, connecting extra 79
phones, downstream
sending faxes from 106
196 Index