Auto lun, External storage, Continuous access – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 31
Auto LUN
The following Business Copy volumes can be assigned to migration volumes of Auto LUN:
root volumes that are paired with two or fewer node volumes
node volumes that are paired with one leaf volumes
node volumes that are not paired with any leaf volumes
reserved volumes
If you want to:
assign the Business Copy volumes to migration volumes, or
reserve the Business Copy volumes as the migration volumes, or
assign the Business Copy volumes that do not meet the above mentioned conditions,
you must delete the Business Copy volumes or unreserve Business Copy volumes before using the
volumes by Auto LUN.
If you assign Business Copy volumes that do not meet the condition to the migration volumes, or if you
assign Business Copy volumes to Auto LUN volumes other than migration volumes, the command will
be rejected. Also, if you split the Business Copy pair that is assigned to Auto LUN migration volumes,
migration of those volumes will be canceled.
You cannot use migration volumes, destination volumes, or reserved volumes of Auto LUN for
Business Copy pair operations (the command will be rejected). To use Auto LUN volumes for Business
Copy pair operations, you must release the volumes by using Auto LUN.
External Storage
Business Copy operations can also be performed in conjunction with HP External Storage operations
to create pairs with the external volumes. For information about the external volumes, see the HP
StorageWorks XP24000 External Storage Software User’s Guide.
Continuous Access
Continuous Access volumes can be assigned to Business Copy pairs, and Business Copy volumes can be
assigned to Continuous Access pairs.
Business Copy and Continuous Access can function together in the same storage system to provide both
internal and remote backup for your important data.
Business Copy is recommended for intra-storage system copy operations. If Business Copy is not
installed, Continuous Access (synchronous only) can be used to copy within the same storage
system. This Continuous Access configuration requires at least one external ESCON cable loop
(minimum of two is recommended).
Combination of Business Copy L1 and L2 pairs with Continuous Access volumes is allowed. Node
volumes and leaf volumes are both considered secondary volumes (S-VOLs) by Continuous Access.
The configuration shown in
on page 32 is an example of a volume that is functioning as both a
Continuous Access P-VOL and a Business Copy P-VOL. This configuration allows:
On-site backup copies of Continuous Access P-VOLs
Remote backup copies of Business Copy P-VOLs
XP24000 Business Copy Software User's Guide