HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

Page 42

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Top level error code returned by the query. This is also an indicator
that shows whether the query completed with warnings, errors or
successfully. A positive number indicates a warning. A negative
number indicates an error.

SQL Error Code

Number of rows accessed by the Executor in the disk process (EID).

Rows Accessed

Number of rows used. This is the number of rows returned by the
Executor in the disk process (EID) after applying the predicates. In a
push down plan, EID may not return all the user rows.

Used Rows

Number of gigabytes (GB) of memory allocated.

Space Allocation GB

Number of gigabytes (GB) of memory used.

Space Usage GB

Number of kilobytes (KB) of memory allocated. Same as the GB value
but in KB units.

Total Space Alloc KB

Number of kilobytes (KB) of memory used. Same as the GB value but
in KB units.

Total Space Used KB

Internal counter of the run-time statistics infrastructure. Indicates the
number of bytes returned for statistics counts.

Stats Bytes

Number of disk-read operations for accessing all the tables referenced
by the query.

Disk Reads

Number of lock waits. This counter indicates the number of times this
query had to wait on a conflicting lock. A value of 0 indicates no locks
were encountered while executing the query.

Lock Waits

Number of lock escalations. This counter indicates the number of times
row locks escalated into a file lock during the execution of the query.
A value of 0 indicates no locks were escalated while executing the

Lock Escalations

Number of opens (one per partition). This is the number of OPEN calls
performed by Neoview SQL on behalf of the query.


Number of messages sent to execute operations on the tables used by
the query.

Messages To Disk

Number of messages bytes sent to access the tables used by the query.

Message Bytes To Disk

Number of rows inserted, updated, or deleted.

Num Rows IUD

Internal error code returned to the stats collector from the run-time
statistics (RMS) infrastructure.

Stats Error Code

Number of Executor server processes created.

Processes Created

Processor (CPU) utilization by the disk process.

Disk Process BusyTime

Processor (CPU) utilization by Neoview SQL.


Amount of time to create Executor Server Processes (ESPs).

Process Create Time

Amount of time spent on opens.

Open Time

Total space allocation by Neoview SQL.

SQL Space Alloc

Total space used by Neoview SQL.

SQL Space Used

Total heap allocation by Neoview SQL.

SQL Heap Alloc

Total heap used by Neoview SQL.

SQL Heap Used

Total space allocation by the Executor in the disk process.

EID Space Alloc

Total space used by the Executor in the disk process.

EID Space Used

Total heap allocation by the Executor in the disk process.

EID Heap Alloc


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