Define the layout for the workspace, Save a workspace layout, Close a workspace – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual
Page 19: Open a workspace, The workspace at a glance, Workspace title, Menu bar commands, Workspace title menu bar commands
Define the Layout for the Workspace
To define the layout of your workspace, drag in the tools you want to use from the Workspace
Toolbox. The Timeline Controller appears as soon as you add any tool. For more information
about the tools and workspace toolbox, see
The Workspace Toolbox At a Glance
Save a Workspace Layout
To save a workspace layout, choose Save from the Workspace menu bar command or click the
disk icon on the toolbar. You can also choose the Save As option from the Workspace menu
bar command. Workspaces are saved in workspace file format (.wks). The save function saves
the layout of the workspace only; it does not retain the content of the graphs.
Close a Workspace
To close (or delete) a workspace, choose Close from the Workspace menu bar command or
click the “X” in the right corner of the workspace. Neoview Performance Analyzer will verify
that you want to close the workspace.
Open a Workspace
To open an existing, previously saved workspace, choose the Open icon from the toolbar or
from the Workspace menu bar command to open a workspace. You can open only
workspace files saved in the workspace file format (.wks).
The Workspace At a Glance
The workspace consists of the workspace content area with the four panes (Neoview, Live View,
Triage Space, and Query Workbench). Additionally, the Neoview Performance Analyzer
application elements are important for use with the workspace. These elements include:
Title of the program and the name of the workspace
Menu bar commands
Task toolbar
Workspace toolbox
The right-click context menu (within a workspace) provides options for Add View, Lock
, Refresh Frequency, and Copy to Clipboard.
Workspace Title
The workspace title displays the current connection information and appears at the top of the
application in this format:
WorkspaceName (SystemConnection: DataSource) User: Username (Usertype)
WorkspaceName is the name assigned to the workspace. The first workspace is called Default
. Subsequent workspaces that you add are numbered (New Workspace #2,
New Workspace #3
, and so on). You can change the name by choosing the menu bar
command Workspace>Rename.
SystemConnection refers to the Neoview platform to which you are connected.
DataSource refers to the data source you used to connect NPA to the Neoview platform.
Username is the client ID you use to connect.
Usertype refers to the type of user: services or DBA.
Menu Bar Commands
The menu bar is the list of commands at the top of the NPA Tools windows. For Neoview
Performance Analyzer, the commands are Workspace, Edit, Tools, Display, Windows, and
Define the Layout for the Workspace