Specifying the slpr protection facility – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 179
The purpose of RAID Manager SLPR security is to prevent RAID Manager from operating the volumes
on another SLPR (SLPR#N) through the command device from the SLPR (SLPR#M) that is assigned
to its Host. You can use RAID Manager SLPR Security by defining the command device through
the Cache Partition feature, so that RAID Manager can protect the target volume.
The following example represents the SLPR protection facility.
Figure 69 Protection of the command device that has the SLPR attribute
Specifying the SLPR Protection Facility
When you want to access certain SLPRs on a single Host, use the RAID Manager protection facility
so that the Host can access multiple SLPRs through a single command device. The following outline
reviews the setup tasks for the SLPR protection facility.
Setting SLPR on the command device: The command device has an SLPR number and an
associated bitmap so you can set multiple SLPRs. You accomplish this by sharing a command
device (using ports connected to different SLPRs) by setting the command device through
SLPR#0 (called Storage Administrator) on Remote Web Console.
For example, if the command device is shared with the port on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2, then the
command device will automatically set the bitmap corresponding to SLPR#1 and SLPR#2.
Testing SLPR: RAID Manager verifies whether or not the command device can access a target
within SLPR. So, if the command device belongs to SLPR#0, or RAID Manager has no SLPR
function, then the SLPR protection is ignored.
However, if the command device is shared with the port on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2, RAID Manager
allows you to operate the volume on SLPR#1 and SLPR#2.
Rejecting commands: If access is denied on the specified port (or target volume), RAID Manager
rejects the following commands and outputs an error code, EX_ESPERM:
, paircurchk, paircreate, pairsplit, pairresync,
, pairevtwait, pairsyncwait
(except -find verify, -find inst), raidar, pairdisplay
, raidvchkscan (except -v jnl), raidvchkdsp
[EX_ESPERM] Permission denied with the SLPR
[Cause ] : A specified command device does not have a permission to access other SLPR.
[Action] : Please make the SLPR so that the target port and the command device belongs to the same
Using RAID Manager SLPR security