HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 77

A time-out may occur when more than 100 FlashCopy relationships are released at
the same time with storage systems that are shared with an IBM OS or a Fujitsu OS. To avoid
timeouts,divide the tasks into small groups and release relationships at intervals of about 5 seconds
per 100 relationships.
Using PPRC TSO to release Compatible FlashCopy relationships
The FCWITHDR command can be used to release relationships established for copy operations set
either in COPY or NOCOPY mode.
If you use the FCWITHDR command a single time when deleting numerous
relationships, a timeout may occur with the host. Therefore, use the FCWITHDR command repetitively
when releasing numerous relationships. Also, after you execute the FCWITHDR command the first
time, wait for a period of time before you execute the command again. For example, if you execute
the FCWITHDR command one time when deleting more than 100 relationships, wait for
approximately 5 seconds until you execute the command again.
The following table shows the parameters you can use with the FCWITHDR command when you
release Compatible FlashCopy relationships:
Table 45 Parameters for the FCWITHDR command (Compatible FlashCopy)
Specify the number (device address) of the S-VOL on which you want
to perform FCWITHDR command.
Source device number.
Specify the number (device address) of the T-VOL on which you want
to perform FCWITHDR command.
Target device number.
Specify the number (device address) of the device on which you want
to perform FCWITHDR command with ACTION parameter.
Device number.
Specifies the Cnt Ac-S Z source device number (device address).
Cnt Ac-S Z source device number
Use this parameter when REMOTE is YES.
The relationships established on the volume specified as the copy
source by SDEVN are withdrawn. The relationships are withdrawn
after the contents of the volume specified as the copy target by TDEVN
are fixed.
Default setting. The relationships established on the copy target are
all withdrawn. The relationship is not established when the copy target
is online.
Specifies the extent (the range to withdraw the relation) the starting
and ending addresses of the source and the starting and ending
Extent (range to withdraw the
addresses of the target with CCHH. Up to 32 extents can be specified.
When XTNTLST is not specified, the relationships on all the tracks are
Specifies the extent (the range to withdraw the relationship) by setting
the starting and ending addresses of the source, and the starting and
Extent (range to withdraw the
ending addresses of the target with ccccccch (cylinder and head
numbers), when either or both the copy source and target exceed
65,520 cylinders. Up to 32 extents can be specified. When XXTNTLST
is not specified, the data on all the tracks are withdrawn.
Resume the write operation from the host to the volumes that belong
to the same CU of the device specified by the DEVN parameter.
Releasing Compatible FlashCopy relationships