Installing and removing compatible flashcopy, Installing compatible flashcopy, Removing compatible flashcopy – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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Installing and removing Compatible FlashCopy
This section describes how to install and remove Compatible FlashCopy. To enable Compatible
FlashCopy to function on the storage system, the Compatible FlashCopy features and software
must be installed and enabled on the storage system.
In some cases, you may need to install additional shared memory before installing Compatible
FlashCopy. For details, contact your HP account representative.
For details about the license operation, see the HP XP P9000 Remote Web Console User Guide.
Installing Compatible FlashCopy
To install Compatible FlashCopy (FC Z):
Check whether you need to install additional shared memory.
For details, contact your HP account representative.
Set all the devices to be used with FC Z offline.
In the Remote Web Console window, enter the FC Z license key and click Apply.
Set all the devices to be used with FC Z online.
Execute the devservcommand with the VALIDATE option of QDASD to the devices in the
storage system.
Example of the devserv command:
devserv QDASD, 4200, VALIDATE
By executing the devserv command, you can view the information on the direct access
memory device 4200 and on the magnetic disk controller. Based on the information displayed,
update the information on the expanded functions that are maintained in the storage of the
host processor. By these expanded functions, the host recognizes that FC Z is supported.
Establish FC Z relationships.
Use Remote Web Console or the FCQUERY command to confirm that all of the FC Z
relationships that you wanted to create have been created.
Removing Compatible FlashCopy
To remove (uninstall) Compatible FlashCopy:
Use a host command to withdraw all Compatible FlashCopy relationships.
Use Remote Web Console or the FCQUERY command to confirm that all the Compatible
FlashCopy relationships have been deleted.
Vary all devices used by Compatible FlashCopy offline.
In the Remote Web Console window, select Compatible FlashCopy, click Uninstall, and click
Vary all devices used by Compatible FlashCopy back online.
The host recognizes that Compatible FlashCopy was removed.
Execute the devserv command with the VALIDATE option of QDASD to the devices in the
storage system. For an example of the devserv command, see
From your host, perform the mainframe host path offline/online operation.
Compatible FlashCopy does not support the REMOVEFCPY parameter of the command.
Preparing for Compatible FlashCopy operations