HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 109

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Table 62 Comparison of copying processes (continued)


IBM FlashCopy

Compared item

Restore or Reverse Restore is performed
with NOCOPY specified.

Restore or Reverse Restore is performed
with NOCOPY specified.

When you perform the Fast Reverse Restore
specifying the option of the Incremental

Regardless of whether or not the option
of the Incremental FlashCopy function is

Fast Reverse Restore

FlashCopy function, only the updated part

specified, if you perform the Fast Reverse

of the S-VOL or the T-VOL before then will
be copied from the T-VOL to the S-VOL.

Restore, the part of data which is copied
from the S-VOL to the T-VOL will be
copied from the T-VOL to the S-VOL.

When you perform the Fast Reverse Restore
without specifying the option of the
Incremental FlashCopy function, only the
copied part of data from the S-VOL to the
T-VOL will be copied before the Fast
Reverse Restore is executed.

When FC Z pair in NOCOPY mode is
created using Cnt Ac-S Z pair M-VOL, the

When a FlashCopy pair in NOCOPY
mode is created using a PPRC P-VOL, the

Copying in NOCOPY mode in FlashCopy
to PPRC Primary Volume function

copy operation is executed to FC Z pair

data is not copied from FlashCopy S-VOL

T-VOL and Cnt Ac-S Z pair R-VOL. Copy

to FlashCopy T-VOL, and the FlashCopy

operation is not executed even if FC Z pair
is deleted.

S-VOL data is copied to the PPRC S-VOL.
When the FlashCopy pair is deleted, the

The value of BCE or BCP displays as
F(FALSE) though the value of "#TRACKS

PPRC P-VOL data is copied to the PPRC
S-VOL data.

YET TO BE COPIED" displayed by the
of ICKDSF changes, depending on the
number of tracks in which the copy has not
been completed.

When FC Z pair in NOCOPY mode is
created using Cnt Ac-J Z pair P-VOL, the


Copying in NOCOPY mode in FlashCopy
to Cnt Ac-J Z Primary Volume function

copy operation is executed on FC Z pair
T-VOL and Cnt Ac-J Z pair S-VOL. Copy
operation is not executed even if FC Z pair
is deleted.

The value of BCE or BCP displays as
F(FALSE) though the value of "#TRACKS
YET TO BE COPIED" displayed by the
of ICKDSF changes, depending on the
number of tracks in which the copy has not
been completed.

Failover command is received, but after
that, FC Z pair T-VOL will be used as Cnt

Receives Failover/Failback command.

Receiving Failover/Failback command to
Cnt Ac-S Z pairs in FlashCopy to PPRC
Primary Volume function

Ac-S Z R-VOL. Therefore Failback command
is rejected.

ReverseResync command is rejected
because FC Z pair T-VOL will be used as
Cnt Ac-J Z pair S-VOL.


Executing ReverseResync command on
Cnt Ac-J Z pairs in FlashCopy to Cnt Ac-J
Z Primary Volume function

Ends abnormally with CC=12.

Ends Normally.

Execute ICKDSF command for FC Z to Cnt
Ac-S Z pair M-VOL in pending status

Data can be copied from the FC Z pair
S-VOL to T-VOL but not to the Cnt Ac-S Z

Neither FlashCopy data nor PPRC data
can be copied.

Establishing a Cnt Ac-S Z pair in
NOCOPY mode whose M-VOL is a FC Z

R-VOL. In this state if you release the FC Z

pair T-VOL that you establish in NOCOPY

pair, the data of Cnt Ac-S Z M-VOL and
R-VOL will be different.

Data can be copied from the FC Z pair
S-VOL to T-VOL but not to the Cnt Ac-J Z


Establishing a Cnt Ac-J Z pair in
NOCOPY mode whose P-VOL is a FC Z

Comparison of copying processes 109