Viewing resource information (secondary window) – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
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Figure 43 Set SCP Time dialog box
The following items display in the Set SCP Time dialog box:
Table 68 Set SCP Time dialog box items
Specifies the state-change-pending time in seconds (0 to 518,400 seconds (6 days)). The text box displays
the state-change-pending time that is set to the CU selected in the FC Z window by default. If multiple CUs
SCP Time (sec.) text
are selected and the state-change-pending time that is set to each CU is different, the text box will be blank
by default.
The OK button closes the SCP Time dialog box and displays the changed state-change-pending time in the
FC Z window. If the SCP Time (sec.) text box is blank, the setting in the SCP Time dialog box is invalid.
OK button
The Cancel button cancels the setting in the SCP Time dialog box and closes the dialog box.
Cancel button
Viewing resource information (secondary window)
You use Remote Web Console to view resource information for Compatible FlashCopy.
To display the Compatible FlashCopy Information dialog box:
Click Actions > Local Replications > BC Z/FC Z to open the FC Z/FCSE window.
Right-click one or more in the list of CU numbers.
The menu displays.
Select the Compatible FlashCopy Information command from the menu.
The Compatible FlashCopy Information dialog box opens.
Viewing resource information (secondary window)