HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 16
FlashCopy pairs can be created after creating Cnt Ac-S Z pairs only when the following options
are used:
For details about using Compatible FlashCopy with Cnt Ac-S Z, see
with Continuous Access Synchronous Z” (page 27)
Cnt Ac-S Z program product is required for using the FlashCopy to PPRC Primary Volume
FlashCopy to PPRC Primary Volume function cannot be used for Cnt Ac-S Z pairs that are
registered in consistency groups.
Data that Compatible FlashCopy copies to Cnt Ac-S Z P-VOLs are transferred to Cnt Ac-S Z
S-VOLs asynchronously. Cnt Ac-S Z displays the progress of this asynchronous data transfer.
Depending on the timing of the Compatible FlashCopy and Cnt Ac-S Z copy operations, a
time delay may occur between the Compatible FlashCopy copy operation and the Cnt Ac-S
Z copy operation, and the Cnt Ac-S Z asynchronous data transfer may progress slowly.
If the Compatible FlashCopy S-VOL and T-VOL are both Thin Provisioning Z volumes, the
number of pages remaining in T-VOL may differ depending on the timing.
The following figures show the copy process of Compatible FlashCopy pairs and Cnt Ac-S Z pairs
by the FlashCopy to PPRC Primary Volume function.
Figure 10 Creating Compatible FlashCopy pair in Cnt Ac-S Z pair
About Compatible FlashCopy operations