HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 126

Figure 44 Compatible FlashCopy Information Dialog Box
You need the information in the Compatible FlashCopy Information dialog box when you calculate
the number of the Compatible FlashCopy relationships that can be established.
Table 69 Compatible FlashCopy Information dialog box
Displays the number of relationships that are already established by Compatible FlashCopy
(on the left side of the slash (/)), and the total number of relationships that can be established
by Compatible FlashCopy (on the right side of the slash (/)).
Total relationships
Displays the remaining number of relationships that can be established by Compatible
The remaining number of relationships is calculated by subtracting the total number of
Compatible FlashCopy relationships and Fast Snap and Snapshot pairs that are already
established or created from the total number of relationships that can be established.
Displays the number of differential tables that are already used (on the left side of the slash
(/)), and the total number of differential tables in the storage system (on the right side of the
slash (/)).
Total differential tables
Displays the remaining number of differential tables in the storage system.
Remaining differential
In addition to Compatible FlashCopy, Business Copy, Business Copy Z, Snapshot, and Auto
LUN use differential tables. Therefore, if Business Copy, Business Copy Z, Snapshot pairs
exist, or if migration plans are being executed by Auto LUN, you may be able to establish a
fewer number of relationships than the total number of relationships.
Displays the license information of FC Z and will be indicated in the format of X(Y). X indicates
license capacity used by FC Z, and Y indicates total license capacity reserved for FC Z.
Unlimited will be displayed when there is no limited license capacity for FC Z.
FC Z Used Capacity
Performing Compatible FlashCopy operations (secondary window)