4 configuring restore and verify jobs, Selecting files, Selecting versions – HP Data Protector Express Basic-Software User Manual
Page 23

4 Configuring Restore and Verify Jobs
Restore jobs and verify jobs are similar in that they involve reading files that have been backed
up. Whereas a restore job actually copies backed up files, verify job reads the backed up files
and compares them to the current files at the original backup location on disk. Because of their
similarities, they will be discussed together in this chapter.
Restore and Verify jobs can be created from the Tasks view or the Jobs and Media view using the
New command. When a new job is created the Administrator will open the job's Propery page
to allow configuration of the job. The Property page can be reopened at any time, even when the
job is running. If the job is running the settings pages will not be editable. .
Selecting Files
Selecting Files
You select files to be restored the same way you select files to be backed up. However besides
selecting which files you wish to restore, you must specify which version of the file you wish to
restore. When you select a file to restore, the most recent version is selected by default. You can
also change the name of the restored file or restore it to a new location.
To select files for restore and verify jobs:
View the properties of the restore job and click on the Selection page.
Check the selection boxes next to the files, folders or other containers you wish to restore.
To select a specific version of the folder or file or folder you selected, highlight it and select
the version from the list in the bottom part of the window. If you don't specifically select a
version then the most recent version will be restored.
Optionally, click the Selection filters button on the tool bar and specify filter selection criteria.
Filters are described in more detail in the Data Protector Express Technical Reference Guide.
The selected files will be restored to or compared with their original locations.
Selecting Versions
Each time a file is backed up, a version of that file is created. There may be several versions of
files stored on different media created by different backup jobs. Data Protector Express keeps track
of all the versions of each file in its catalog and the media on which each version is stored. When
media is overwritten or deleted, Data Protector Express deletes those versions from its catalog as
When you select an object (file, folder, database, etc.) for restoring, Data Protector Express
automatically selects the latest version. If you want to select a version other than the latest version,
select the desired version from the version list below the object selection tree. The version list shows
all of the versions of the object and the media on which those versions are stored and details about
the object including the its backup date and its modify date.
When you select a folder, Data Protector Express automatically selects the latest version for that
folder and for every file within that folder. If you wish to restore as of another date, select the
desired version from the version list. The version list shows all of the versions of the folder and the
media on which those versions are stored. The selected folder version is used to the select files
contained within that folder. Specifically, a file is selected for restoring only if a file version matches
the folder version.
Selecting Files