Watlow EZ-ZONE RUI/Gateway User Manual

Page 44

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Watlow EZ-ZONE




Chapter 5 Networking with a Gateway

Although the RUI/GTW now contains the configura-

tion (because this entire discussion focused on doing

the configuration on-line) it is suggested that after

the configuration process is completed that the user

save this file to the PC for future use. If for some rea-

son someone inadvertently changed a setting without

understanding the impact, it would be easy and per-

haps faster to download a saved configuration back

to the RUI/GTW versus trying to figure out what was

changed. There is also an option to exit without sav-

ing a copy to the local hard drive.
After selecting Save above, click the "Finish" button

once again. The screen below will then appear.

When saving the configuration note the location

where the file will be placed (arrow) and enter the file

name (File name, yellow highlight) as well. The de-

fault path for saved files follows:
\My Documents\Watlow\EZ-ZONE CONFIGURA-

TOR\Saved Configurations
The user can save the file to any folder of choice.