Using ethernet/ip, Ethernet communications – Watlow EZ-ZONE RUI/Gateway User Manual

Page 38

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Watlow EZ-ZONE




Chapter 5 Networking with a Gateway

Module Status (MS) cont.

Indicator LED


Flashing Red

Major Recoverable Fault.


Major Unrecoverable Fault.


The device is operating nor-


To learn more about CIP and DeviceNet point your
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Ethernet Communications

Using EtherNet/IP™
Communications To/From Third Party Device:

When using the EtherNet/IP protocol, there are two

methods used in communicating, implicitly and ex-

plicitly. Once the gateway instance is enabled there

are two prompts that relate directly to these forms of


Use the graphic below in reference to the descrip-

tions that follow below.


CIP Offset, used exclusively with explicit

messaging where it defines a specific gateway

instance (EZ_ZONE PM or RM controller) to

receive a message originating from the net-

work Master. The CIP offset is unique to each

gateway instance and is added to the pub-

lished instance of any given parameter.

As an example, when programming an explicit mes-

sage ensure that the class, instance and attribute is

defined. To read the first instance of the Process Vari-

able in PM2 use the following information in the mes-

sage instruction:

Class = 104 or (0x68)

Instance = 1

Attribute = 1

Note that the instance is identified as instance 1 be-

cause there is no offset to add. RUI prompt entry for

gateway instance 1 follows:

= 0

RUI prompt entry for gateway instance 2 (PM2) fol-


= 4

RUI prompt entry for gateway instance 3 follows:

= 8

RUI prompt entry for gateway instance 4 follows:

= 12

To read the process value instance 2 of PM4 add

the offset to the instance. The following information

would need to be entered in the message instruction:

Class = 104 or (0x68)

Instance = 14 or (0x0E)

Attribute = 1


From the gateway perspective, this assembly

represents data that comes from Standard

Bus controllers (EZ-ZONE PM or RM) and

is sent out on the network. As seen from the

network, this is the CIP Implicit Output As-

sembly representing inputs to the Master

and is used exclusively when communicat-

ing implicitly. For any given RUI gateway

instance (EZ-ZONE controller), the output

assembly size will never be greater than 20,

32-bit members. The user entry ranges from

0 to 20.


From the gateway perspective, this assembly

represents data that comes from the network

Master and is sent to one or more gateway

instance (EZ-ZONE PM or RM) on Standard

Bus. As seen from the network, this is the

CIP Implicit Input Assembly representing



1 = PM1


4 = PM4

Watlow Standard Bus

(Daisy chain EIA-485)




1 - 16 maximum

CIP Offset


CIP Offset


CIP Offset


CIP Offset



Instance 1

Standard Bus Address


= 1-8

Start Node to Scan


= 1-24

End Zone to Scan


= 1-24

Modbus Word Order


= [lohi] or [hilo]


Instance 2

Ethernet Addressing Mode


= [f;add] or [dhcp]

Modbus Enable


= [yes] or [no]

EtherNet/IP Enable


= [yes] or [no]



= 1 – 16

(Gateway Instance)


= Yes or No

(Enable gateway instance)


= [On] or [off]

(Device Status)




CIP Output Assembly Size


CIP Input Assembly Size


= 0 - 255

(CIP Offset)



= 0 - 9999

(Modbus Offset)

Modbus Offset


Modbus Offset


Modbus Offset


Modbus Offset




= [``f] or [``C]