Programming the ez key using an rui, Using the rui with pm family controllers, Using the rui with rm family controllers – Watlow EZ-ZONE RUI/Gateway User Manual

Page 16: Using the rui with st family controllers

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Watlow EZ-ZONE




Chapter 3 Keys and Displays

Programming the EZ Key Using an RUI

The following examples show how to program the EZ

Key to start and stop a profile using PM, RM and ST

family controllers.

This functionality is embedded in the configuration

of the control, therefore, any "EZ" Function Key

from any RUI pointing to the programmed control

will assume the programmed function.

Using the RUI with PM Family Controllers


The steps shown below were created using PM

firmware version 11.00. Slight differences may ex-

ist if your controller has a different version. The

firmware version can be found by cycling power

to the controller (first numerical value displayed

in the upper display) or by navigating to the revi-

sion [`reu] prompt found in the Diagnostic Menu

in the Factory Page

1. Go to the Setup Page from the Home Page, press

both the Up ¿ and Down ¯ keys for six seconds.

will appear in the upper display and [`Set]

will appear in the lower display.

2. Press the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key until [`FUn] ap-

pears in the upper display and [`SEt] will appear in

the lower display.

3. Press the Advance Key

once. [high] will appear

in the upper display and [`LEu] (high or low) will

appear in the lower display. Select whether a high

state or a low state will start the profile.

3. Press the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key to scroll through

the functions that can be assigned to the EZ Key.

When [P;StS] (Profile Start/Stop) appears in the up-

per display and [``Fn] appears in the lower display,

press the Infinity Key once to select that function

and move to the [``F;i] (Function Instance equals

Profile 1, 2, 3 or 4) parameter.

4. Press the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key to select the profile

of choice.

5. Press the Infinity Key ˆ once to return to the sub-

menu, twice to return to the Home Page.

Using the RUI with RM Family Controllers


The steps shown below were created using RM

firmware version 6.00. Slight differences may exist

if your controller has a different version. The firm-

ware version can be found by navigating to the revi-

sion [`reu] prompt found in the Diagnostic Menu

in the Factory Page.

1. Go to the Setup Page from the Home Page, press

both the Up ¿ and Down ¯ keys for six seconds.

will appear in the upper display and [`Set]

will appear in the lower display.

2. Press the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key until the Action

prompt [`ACt] appears in the upper display and

will appear in the lower display.

3. Press the Advance Key

once and select the Action

instance (1-8) using the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key. Upon

entry, the upper display will show [```1] and the

lower display will show [`ACt].

4. Press the Advance Key

once and then using the

Up ¿ or Down ¯ key to select Profile Start/Stop

as the Function [``Fn].

5. Press the Advance Key

once and then using the

Up ¿ or Down ¯ key select the Function Instance

(Function Instance equals Profile 1, 2, 3...25).

6. Press the Advance Key

once to define the source

of this Action by using the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key to

select the Function Key [`Fun] as the Source Func-

tion [SFn;a].

7. Press the Advance Key

once and then using the

Up ¿ or Down ¯ key select the Source Instance

(Source Instance in this case equals EZ-Key

1 or 2.

8. Press the Advance Key

once and then using the

Up ¿ or Down ¯ key select the Source Zone [`S2;a]

(Source Zone equals 0 -16).


Zone 0 represents the current module being config-

ured while in this example, this selection represents

the module in which the profile will run.

9. Press the Advance Key

once and then using the

Up ¿ or Down ¯ key select the Level [`Leu]

desired to trigger the Action, high [high] or low


10. Press the Infinity Key ˆ three times to return to

the Home Page.

Using the RUI with ST Family Controllers


The steps shown below were created using PM

firmware version 8.00. Slight differences may ex-

ist if your controller has a different version. The

firmware version can be found by cycling power

to the controller (first numerical value displayed

in the upper display) or by navigating to the revi-

sion [`reu] prompt found in the Diagnostic Menu

in the Factory Page

1. Go to the Setup Page from the Home Page, press

both the Up ¿ and Down ¯ keys for six seconds.

will appear in the upper display and [`Set]

will appear in the lower display.

2. Press the Up ¿ or Down ¯ key until [`FUn] ap-

pears in the upper display and [`SEt] will appear in

the lower display.

3. Press the Advance Key

once. [```1] will appear

in the upper display and [`FUn] will appear in the

lower display. At this time select instance 1.