Setup exception templates, Add a special day template, Add a week set template – TREND 963 User Guide User Manual

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Using 963

963 User Guide TC200635 Issue 3 25/03/2008


3.22 Setup Exception Templates

Exception templates enable times for exceptions to be predefined e.g. for bank holidays etc which can be used when
adding and exception. The templates can either define occupation times for a single day (Special Day Templates), or
for an entire week (Week Set Templates). This feature allows different occupation times to be set up for each day of
the week. Each different Diary Group can contain its own exception templates, allowing the same name to be used
within different groups, but defining different occupation times.

3.22.1 Add a Special Day Template

Special Day templates can be added to provide a template of occupation times for single day. It is also possible to
import exception templates that have been previously created for other diary groups into a different diary group as
described the ‘Import Exception Templates’ section of this manual.

To add a special day template:

1. Log in as described in the ‘Log In’ section of this manual.

2. Click

or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.

3. Click the diary group for which the special day template is to be added.
4. Click the Time Schemes tab.
5. Click Display special days option.
6. Click New. The Diary Week Day Scheme Editor dialogue box is displayed.

7. In the Name box enter the name for the template.
8. Specify the colour used to represent days that use these times by clicking Choose selecting the required

colour from the dialogue box that is displayed, and clicking OK.

9. Set up the operating times for the first period of occupancy as required by dragging each end of the bar to

specify the times. To add another period click

and drag to the right, and then drag each end of the bar to

specify the times.

To set occupation for the whole day, right-click the day and click On all day. To set non-occupation for the
whole day, right-click the day and click Off all day.

The times can be specified by clicking the required period or right-clicking and clicking Next Period or
Last Period. The start and stop times for the period can then be specified by entering them in the Start
, Start Minutes, Stop Hours, and Stop Minutes boxes.

11. Once the occupation times are correctly set up, click OK. A dialogue box asking if you want to download

the changes now or configure the scheduler to do it later is displayed, click the required option and then
click OK.

3.22.2 Add a Week Set Template

Week set templates can be added to provide a template of occupation times for a weekly pattern. It is also possible
to import exception templates that have been previously created for other diary groups into a different diary group as
described the ‘Import Exception Templates’ section of this manual.

To add a week set template:

1. Log in as described in the ‘Log In’ section of this manual.

2. Click

or on the Mode menu click Diary to select the Diary Display.

3. Click the diary group for which the week set template is to be added.
4. Click the Time Schemes tab.
5. Click Display week sets.
6. Click New. The Diary Week Time Scheme Editor dialogue box is displayed.