TREND 963 User Guide User Manual
Page 61

Using 963
963 User Guide TC200635 Issue 3 25/03/2008
3.7.3 Record a Schematic Page
Recording schematic pages automatically enables 963 to record data at specified intervals preferably when the
system is quiet (e.g. at night). The page is automatically loaded and the values collected from it. If any value on the
page in a wait or error state the recording is logged as failed and the point that caused the failure is reported.
To record a schematic page automatically:
1. Display the page that is to be recorded.
2. On the Data Recording menu click Configure page recording, or right-click anywhere on the page and
click Data Recording and then click Configure data recording. A dialogue box is displayed.
3. In the First event box specify when the data is to be first recorded by entering the date and time in the
following format:
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss
To specify the event to occur now, click Now.
4. If the recording is to be performed more than once, select the Do you wish to repeat this action? check
box, and go to step (5). If the recording is to only be performed once, clear the Do you wish to repeat this
action? check box, and go to step (8).
5. In the Choose an interval list click the interval at which the recording is to occur.
6. In the ..and how many times to repeat it list select how many times recording is to occur.
7. If Day or Week was specified as the interval, select the check box for the day(s) of the week recording is to
occur. If Day was selected, all seven days can be selected. If Week was selected, only one day can be
8. Click Next>. A dialogue box is displayed.
9. Check that the recording is set up correctly, and then click Finish.