Close 963 – TREND 963 User Guide User Manual

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Using 963

963 User Guide TC200635 Issue 3 25/03/2008


3.1.4 Close


963 should be left running all the time to ensure alarms are processed correctly, and other tasks carried out.
However it can be closed.

To close 963:

1. Log in as described in the ‘Log In’ section of this manual.

2. On the File menu click Exit, or click

. A dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to close 963 is


3. Click Yes.

Note that not all users will be able to close 963.

3.2 Display a Schematic Page

This section of the manual describes how to access and use the 963’s schematic pages. Most of the information
presented to the user is displayed on schematic pages that have been set up. Clicking certain parts of the page will
cause something to happen; exactly what happens is dependent on how the 963 is set up. When the mouse pointer is
moved over a part of the screen that will do something it changes to a hand ( ). These areas of the screen will
generally be obvious because of text that appears in, or next to them.

To display a schematic page:

1. Run 963 as described in the ‘Run 963’ section of this manual.
2. On the User menu click Log in to log in and enter your user name and password as described in the ‘Log

In’ section of this manual. A schematic page may now be displayed if not got to (3) if one is displayed go
to (4).

3. Click

or on the Mode menu click Schematics to select the Schematic Page


4. Click the button or picture that displays the required page or click on the page in the Navigator. To display

the page in a new window hold down the CTRL key and click the button or picture. To move from page to
page click the button or picture that provides access to the required page.

As you move from page to page 963 keeps a record of the pages and enables you to move backwards and
forwards through the pages. To do this on the Navigation menu click Move backwards or Move
, or right-click the page and click Forward or Backward.

Note that the Navigator can be refreshed by right clicking it, and clicking Refresh View from the displayed

5. Once the required page is displayed you will be able to view the information, clicking the different objects

will enable you to perform different tasks the page display should make is clear what can be done.

Values can be adjusted by clicking the button or picture that enables the value to be changed and specifying
the new value. Values that have been overridden ON/OFF will have a flashing border unless configured
otherwise. Compact graphs can be displayed by clicking the value that is to be graphed. Precision graphs
can be displayed by right-clicking the value and clicking Collect full precision log graph(s). The page can
be made to fit completely in the display area by right-clicking the page and on the displayed menu clicking
Fit to page, or on the Zoom menu click Fit to page. If it has been set up a list of points associated with a
value can be displayed by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the value. Configuration parameters of
the configuration modules within IQ controllers can be viewed by right clicking on a value and clicking
Edit Item from the displayed menu. Clicking Home from the User menu will display the schematic page
displayed when you first logged in.

6. Log off when the use of 963 is finished.