TREND 963 User Guide User Manual

Page 30

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Using 963

963 User Guide TC200635 Issue 3 25/03/2008


3.2.1 Zoom in and Out of a Schematic Page

It is possible to zoom in and out on any schematic page so that the data can be more easily seen.

To zoom in:

1. On the Zoom menu click Zoom in, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed menu point to

Zoom and click Zoom in. The pointer will change to a


2. Hold down the left mouse button, and drag the mouse over the required area, or click the mouse button to

zoom in one level.

3. Release the mouse button.

To zoom out:

1. On the Zoom menu click Zoom out, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed menu point

to Zoom and click Zoom out. The pointer will change to a


2. Click the mouse button to zoom out one level.
3. Release the mouse button.

To zoom out again, repeat the process.

To return to the original zoom level:

1. On the Zoom menu click Zoom to original, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed

menu point to Zoom and click Zoom to original.

To zoom with a mouse wheel:

1. Hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

3.2.2 Print a Schematic Page

963 can print out schematic pages to any Windows printer accessible to the PC running 963.

To print a page:

1. View the page as described in the ‘Display a Schematic Page’ section of this manual.
2. On the File menu point to Print and click Print, or right-click anywhere on the page and on the displayed

menu point to Print and click Print. The Print dialogue box is displayed.

3. In the Name box click the required printer.

Note that changing the printer from here will change the page printer used by 963 to print out pages,
graphs, and alarm priority statistics.

4. If necessary click Properties to set up the printer as required.
5. In the Number of copies box enter the number of copies required.
6. If a print template is to be used select the Use Template check box, and click the required template from

the list.

Note that if the print template changed the 963 will remember it, and that will be the template selected next

7. Click OK.

You can preview what will be printed by pointing to Print on the File menu and clicking Print Preview, or right-
clicking the page, and on the displayed menu pointing to Print and clicking Print Preview.