7 status bar – Teledyne LeCroy PETracer EML Analyzer and Exerciser User Manual User Manual

Page 66

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Chapter 4: Software Overview

PETracer EML User Manual


LeCroy Corporation

4.7 Status Bar

The Status Bar is a gray bar that runs along the bottom of the application window.

From left to right:

PETracer SN:309: Analyzer Serial Number

Ready: Analyzer Status

Recording Progress Bar: The colored bar to the right of the serial number represents
how much traffic has been recorded. The trigger point is indicated by the black line at the
left side of the bar. In this example, the trigger occurred at the very beginning of the CATC
Trace. If the trigger is set in the middle of the CATC Trace, the line is positioned in the
middle of the bar. Additionally, the color of the bar is different on each side of the trigger
point. For examples, see “Recording Progress Bar” on page 60. The white strip along the
top edge of the color bar indicates how much traffic has been uploaded from the Analyzer
buffer to the host PC.

Uploading and 20%: Indicates the Analyzer's recording status, what part of the
recording process the Analyzer is now in. In this example, the Analyzer is in the upload
stage and has completed 20% of the upload from the Analyzer to the PC. See “Recording
Status” on page 60
for details on other status messages.

Activity: The colored bar moves to indicate that the Analyzer is currently recording.

Search: Fwd: Indicates search direction. The direction can be toggled to Search: Bwd
by double-clicking the search direction or by selecting Search Direction from the Search

PETrainer Status Bar

When a PETrainer is attached, a Generation Status bar is displayed at the bottom of the
screen. This bar has buttons to start and stop generation and to break and re-establish
connection with the DUT. In addition, status info is displayed. See “Using the Toolbar” on
page 45 for
an explanation of these buttons.

From left to right:

Buttons: Start Generation, Stop Generation, Resume Generation,
Start/Establish Connection, Break Connection, Write Address Space,
Read Address Space

Status: Link State, InitFC State, Trainer Status