Teledyne LeCroy PETracer EML Analyzer and Exerciser User Manual User Manual
Page 249

PETracer EML User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
data.pex file 62, 65
data_pem_files directory 63
dataXYZ.pem files 105
decode levels 79
decoding 79
default options file 109
default settings 61
default.opt file 98
default.rec file 109
delimiters 156
Description String 124
descriptive label 109
Device Emulation 208
Device Emulator 36
device emulator 35
DeviceID field 162
Direction 189
Direction field 86
Disable Descrambling 107
Disconnect macro 213
Display area 44
Display Configuration Name 91
Display License Information command 232
Display Options 89
command 89
dialog box 89
fFiles 65
loading 98
saving 98
Display Options button 89
DLLP Packet Properties dialog 127
Do not export hidden packets 189
Do not export Idle packets 189
Do not save hidden packets option 67
Do not send TLP packet if credit amount is
insufficient 208
Downstream 107
Downstream direction 158
Drag an event here to create a new sequence 111
drive strength 25
Edit as Text command 192
Edit Code 216
Edit code... button 215, 216
Edit Comment command 69
Edit Generation Macro Icon dialog box 215
Edit Icon... button 215
Edit Marker command 78
Edit Marker for Packet # pop-up 77
electrical idle 185
e-mail 239
Email CATC Support 239
Emulation Test Fixture 37
emulation test fixture 35
Emulator 36
emulator 35
Emulator Power LED 38
Enable Automatic Skip Generation 208
Enable Outlining 198
Enable Tool tips 90
environmental conditions 20
Error Log 192, 197
Error Properties dialog box 125
Error Summary dialog box 137
error types 125
Errors 197
Errors pane 155
Event Groups menu 86
Event Icon Preview 124
Event Navigation 139
Event Properties dialog box 124
Event Trigger recording type 102
Event-specific Settings 125
Exclude option 86
executing 210
Exerciser 9, 14
configuring 185
powering on 39
setting up 30
expand 194
Expand Data command 71
Export Wait for ACK from upstream 190
Export Wait for Cpl from upstream 190