System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual
Page 9

Import an existing floor plan in ( .dxf) format .
Changes the view of the pipe layout to isometric .
Changes the view of the pipe layout to the front view of the design .
Changes the view of the pipe layout to the top view of the design .
Changes the view of the pipe layout to the right side view of the design .
Used to measure and scale DXF entities
Displays optional user-configurable pipe design settings .
Used to change the pipe color
Allows user to configure the following:
Altitude(ft .)
: Enter the altitude of the detector above sea level . Note: Altitude affects air pressure . The thinner air athigher
altitudes reduces the transportation time of smoke particulate to the detector . pressure, and temperature .
Enter the average pressure in Pascals of the system based on the altitude above sea level . (The pressure at sea
level is equal to 101 .325 kPa = 1 atmosphere or 29 .9 in . of mercury .) The default value is the pressure at sea level .
Enter the average temperature of the environment in which the FAAST system will operate .
Add Detector (FAAST detector) icon . Selecting this button adds a detector to the layout .
Used to add a vertical or horizontal pipe .
Used to add an angle pipe, either right or left .
Opens the Pipe Wizard tool for step-by-step instructions through the pipe network design .
Connect Pipe .
Activates the Pan tool . This allows for different views of the network .
Deactivates the Pan tool .
Zooms in on the design .
Zooms out on the design .
Displays the pipe design calculations .
Zooms the pipe network in or out to fit on the screen and displays the full network on the screen .
Bill of Materials (Individual and Consolidated): Displays a report identifying the materials required to build the pipe layout
including the devices, pipe, joints and fittings, and a schematic of the layout .
Pipe Layout: Displays a report regarding the performance of the pipe layout . The report provides information about the site,
such as name, location, device information, configuration settings of a pipe design, different views of the pipe design,
transportation time, sampling pressure, and so on .
Copies the selected FAAST detector, pipe or other component .
Cuts the selected FAAST detector, pipe or other component .
Pastes a previously copied FAAST detector, pipe or other component .
Deletes the selected FAAST detector, pipe or other component .
Deletes the entire pipe design .
TABle 16. ToolBAr BuTTonS
imporTinG A FloorplAn
Before drawing a pipe network, the designer has the option of importing a
floorplan to facilitate network design. PipeIQ supports importation of floor-
plans in the DXF file format.
To import a floorplan, click the Import DXF button in the pipe design toolbar.
Navigate to the file and choose Open.
The floorplan should now be visible in the drawing area. If not, select the Top
View followed by Zoom Extents.
SS-400-007 9 E56-3621-003
To scale the floorplan to the proper size, activate the Measuring Tape by click-
ing the button in the toolbar. The Measuring Tape button will turn blue in-
dicating the tool is active. Find a drawing element of a known size such as a
wall and click on it.
The Measuring Tape dialog box (Figure 14) will appear showing the length of
the wall. If the wall is the correct length, no further scaling is needed. Choose
OK. If the wall is not the correct length, choose Edit and type the correct wall
length into the box. Choose OK to save the change. Click on Measuring Tape
to deactivate the tool.