Maintenance and troubleshooting – System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 25

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maintenance and Troubleshooting

ComprehenSive inSTruCTion mAnuAl

This section provides guidance through maintenance and troubleshooting for
the FAAST detector.
FielD mAinTenAnCe
Maintenance of the FAAST detector is quick and easy. The only field main-
tenance recommended is changing the replaceable filter. The filter is located
behind the Display Door under the User Interface Card, as shown in Figure 1.
FiGure 1. FronT vieW oF DeTeCTor WiTh DiSplAY Door open

AnD uSer inTerFACe CArD in plACe:

FilTer ASSemBlY replACemenT
Over a period of time the filter collects environmental dust and dirt that even-
tually inhibits proper air flow through the detector. If blockage is detected by
the detector, a minor filter fault is activated. If the filter is not replaced within
72 hours, an urgent filter fault is activated.

To replace the filter perform the procedure in Table 1.

TABle 1. FilTer replACemenT proCeDure




Before performing maintenance, notify the proper authorities that the

system is undergoing maintenance, and will temporarily be out of ser-

vice . Disable the system to prevent unwanted alarms .


Turn off the system by removing the 24 Volt power connector from the unit

or by unplugging the converter from its power outlet .
NOTE: If power is not removed, the unit automatically enters Service

Mode when the screws are removed from the filter . This removes

power from the fan and the sensing chamber . In addition, the filter

fault indicator is illuminated and the urgent relay is set .


Open the Display Door, as shown in Figure 1, and remove the User

Interface card in front of the filter .


Remove the two Philips head screws securing the filter to the unit,

as shown in Figure 3 .


Replace the entire filter assembly, as shown in Figure 2, with a new

unit by pulling the old filter out and sliding a new filter assembly

back into position .


Reinsert the two Philips head screws and tighten .


Carefully reinstall the User Interface card .

FiGure 2. removABle Air FilTer ASSemBlY:

FiGure 3. FilTer mounTinG SCreWS WiTh lAnGuAGe CArD removeD:

reCommenDeD SToCK level
Filters should be kept on site so that they may be changed either on a regular
schedule, or as needed. This keeps system down time to a minimum. Filters
have an average life expectancy of 4 years.

TrouBleShooTinG GuiDe
This section is intended for additional troubleshooting guidance. For general fault
conditions, wiring and start up guidelines, refer to the Installation and Mainte-
nance Instructions. Table 2 gives recommended action to possible conditions.




SS-400-007 26 E56-3621-003

Maintenance and Troubleshooting


