System Sensor FAAST Comprehensive User Manual

Page 4

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TABle 5. vieW menu

menu ChoiCe



Changes the view of the project to the monitoring screen .

(For object levels above the device level, the right pane

shows the event record for the project .) The FAAST device

must be connected via the Ethernet or PipeIQ to use the

Monitor Screen .

Pipe Design

Changes the view of the project to the pipe design screen .


Changes the view of the project to the configuration screen .

menu ChoiCe


Project Settings

When active, allows selection of different

measuring systems . Options are US Customary or

Metric .

Archive Events Data

Archives the list of events generated by the FAAST de-

vices in the project to the database file on the PC .

View Archived Events


Opens a report window showing archived events .

TABle 6. SeTTinGS menu

TABle 7. Tool menu

menu ChoiCe


Connect Device

Connects PipeIQ to a FAAST detector . It is only

active when PipeIQ is not already connected to the

FAAST detector .



In Configuration mode, PipeIQ sends updated configuration

information to the connected FAAST detector .

Get Remote


In Configuration mode, PipeIQ receives updated configu-

ration information from the connected FAAST detector .



In Configuration mode, PipeIQ opens the PipeIQ report

viewer and generates a configuration report .

Event Log Report In Monitoring mode, the PipeIQ report viewer is opened

and a timeframe for viewing the event log can be se-

lected .




In Configuration mode, it creates a text file containing

the device configuration information .



In Configuration and Monitoring modes, when the FAAST

detector is highlighted, it opens the Device Information

window and text information (notes) about the specific

detector can be added .



Disconnects the network communication between PipeIQ

and the connected FAAST detector . It is only active in

Configuration mode when the PipeIQ

application is connected to the FAAST detector .



In Monitoring mode, the PipeIQ Upgrade Firmware win-

dow opens, which allows authorized users to transfer

new firmware to the device .

TABle 8. help menu

menu ChoiCe


PipeIQ Help

Opens the PipeIQ help file .

About PipeIQ

Opens a window containing the version

number of the PipeIQ software .

Submit Feedback

Opens a link to a website where users may

submit feedback about the software .

Starting the Application
There are no user credentials required to run the PipeIQ application. The only
instances a password is required is to establish administrator level communi-
cation with a FAAST device, to establish web browser communication with a
FAAST device or to unlock the buttons on the User Interface panel.

The administrator has full read/write capabilities within the application. It is
highly recommended that the administrator password is changed when con-
figuring a FAAST detector.

To start PipeIQ, select Start > Programs > PipeIQ > PipeIQ or double-click
on the PipeIQ icon on the desktop. The application opens and a new project
may be created or an existing project may be monitored or modified.
exiting the Application
To close the current project, but allow the application to continue running,
choose File > Close.

To quit the PipeIQ software completely, select the X at the upper right corner
of the application window, or select Exit from the File menu.
CreATinG A proJeCT
Typically, a project consists of a site with buildings, floors and devices. When
a new project is created, the Site, Building, Floor and Device objects are au-
tomatically created. These objects must be configured before designing the
pipe network.

To create a project, start the PipeIQ application and select File > New, or se-
lect the project icon at the upper left of the main PipeIQ window, as shown in
Figure 2. The New Project window opens, as shown in Figure 3.

In the File Name box, type the name chosen for the project and select Save. A
new PipeIQ project is created and displayed.

FiGure 2. iniTiAl pipeiQ openinG SCreen

FiGure 3. neW proJeCT WinDoW

After choosing Save, the Project Settings pop-up window opens, as shown
in Figure 4. To configure the the units of measurement, select US Customary
System or Metric from the list. When the choice is complete, select OK to save
it and close the window.




SS-400-007 4 E56-3621-003
