System Sensor CHR, CHW, CHSR and CHSW User Manual
Selectable output chimes and chime/strobes

inSTaLLaTion and mainTenanCe inSTrUCTionS
Selectable output Chimes and Chime/Strobes
3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
800/736-7672, FAX: 630/377-6495
1 I56-2783-004R
General Specifications
Standard Operating Temperature:
32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Humidity Range:
10 to 93% non-condensing
Strobe Flash Rate:
1 flash per second
Nominal Voltage:
Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWR1
Operating Voltage Range:
8 to 17.5 V (12V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 nominal)
Operating Voltage with MDL3:
8.5 to 17.5 V (12V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal)
1CHS products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 & 15/75 cd.
Mechanical Specifications
Input terminal wire gauge:
12 to 18 AWG
Chime/strobe dimensions (including lens): 5.6˝L×4.7˝W×2.5˝D (142 mm L×119 mm W×64 mm D)
Chime dimensions:
5.6˝L×4.7˝W×1.3˝D (142 mm L×119 mm W×33 mm D)
GeneraL deSCripTion
Chimes and chime/strobes are private mode notification appliances used to
alert trained personnel to investigate possible emergency situations and take
appropriate action. SpectrAlert Advance chimes and chime/strobes are electri-
cally backward compatible with the previous generation of notification appli-
ances. While they are specifically designed for use on the wall, the products
are listed to be used on the wall or ceiling. SpectrAlert products are designed
to be used in either 12 or 24 volt DC or full wave rectified (FWR) systems. If
required, the MDL3 module may be used in order to provide synchronization.
NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment.
Fire aLarm SYSTem ConSideraTionS
The National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, requires that all horns, used for
building evacuation installed after July 1, 1996, produce temporal coded sig-
nals. Signals other than those used for evacuation purposes do not have to
produce the temporal coded signal.
poWer SUppLY ConSideraTionS
Panels typically supply DC filtered voltage or FWR (full wave rectified) volt-
age. The system design engineer must calculate the number of units used on
a loop based on the type of panel supply. Be certain the sum of all the device
currents does not exceed the current capability of the panel. Calculations are
based on using the device current found in the subsequent charts and must
be compatible with the current specified for the panel or power supply used.
NOTE: SpectrAlert chimes and chime/strobes must be powered from a non-
coded power supply.
Wire SizeS
The designer must be sure that the last device on the circuit has sufficient
voltage to operate the device within its rated voltage. When calculating the
voltage available to the last device, it is necessary to consider the voltage drop
due to the resistance of the wire. The thicker the wire, the smaller the volt-
age drop. Generally, for purposes of determining the wire size necessary for
the system, it is best to consider all of the devices as “lumped” on the end of
the supply circuit to simulate worst case. For the most accurate voltage drop
calculations use the System Sensor voltage drop calculator available on the
web or CD-ROM.
approximaTe Wire reSiSTanCe:
18 AWG solid: 8 ohms/1000 ft.
16 AWG solid: 5 ohms/1000 ft.
14 AWG solid: 3 ohms/1000 ft.
12 AWG solid: 2 ohms/1000 ft.
NOTE: If Class A wiring is installed, the wire length may be up to twice as
long as on non-fault tolerant circuits.
CandeLa SeLeCTion For ChS SerieS modeLS
For strobe candela selection, adjust the slide switch located on the rear of
the product while watching the viewing window under the reflector on the
front of the unit. Use Table 1 to determine current draw at various candela
and chime tone settings. Tables 2 and 3 can be used to determine strobe light
output at various viewing angles.
NOTE: SpectrAlert products set at 15 and 15/75 candela automatically work
on either 12V or 24V power supplies. The products are not listed for 12V op-
erating voltages when set to any other candela settings.
For use with the following models: CHSR, CHSW, CHR, CHW